Archives: General

19 Nov

Special settings for Outlook 2016 with Exchange Hosting

Unlike its predecessors, Outlook 2016 requires the use of AutoDiscover to connect to an Exchange server, e.g. if you want to use a Hosted Exchange package. Therefore, if you are unable to connect correctly with the access data provided (e-mail address, password, username and mail server), you must add the following keys to the Windows registry:

Windows Registry

To make it easier for you, you can directly use the following .reg file:

21 Jun

Understanding nginx $request_uri

As we came across this question often ourselves, I decided to write a quick article about the $request_uri handling of nginx. According to the ngx_http_core_module-documentation, the variable $request_uri is defined as:

full original request URI (with arguments)

While this seems clear at first, it is not well defined. We have done some trial and error and can best explain it by examples using real cases:

  1. For the URL:
    the nginx variable $request_uri is populated as follows:
  2. For the URL:
    the nginx variable $request_uri is populated as follows:
  3. For the URL:
    the nginx variable $request_uri would still be populated only as follows:
    as #sec3.2 is just a fragment/comment/anchor and not part of the URI.

Simply put, the $request_uri contains the full path (/understanding-nginx-request_uri/ in example 1 or /cp/cart.php in example 2 above) and any argument strings that may be present (“?a=add&domain=register” in example 2 above), but excludes the schema (https:// and the port (implicit 443) in both examples above) as defined by RFC for the URL:

http_URL = "http(s):" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]]

Uniform Resource Identifiers

By RFC URIs have been known by many names: WWW addresses, Universal Document Identifiers, Universal Resource Identifiers, and finally the combination of Uniform Resource Locators (URL). As far as HTTP is concerned, Uniform Resource Identifiers are simply formatted strings which identify–via name, location, or any other characteristic–a resource.

Further Sources:

16 Feb

A happy customer

We have just received a pack of “Great Wines” from a satisfied customer by courier:

Testimonial Georg S.


.. thank you for your support, that continues to save our day. I really appreciate it, cheers!

See you on the hotline for other exciting moments.

It is always a pleasure!