How can I set up a redirect / domain redirection?

Home / How can I set up a redirect / domain redirection?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]In order to use redirection, the default nameservers must be active. Given this the redirects can be set directly from the domain management after logging on to Specifically, the path to follow is:

  1. logon to
  2. click on the “My Domains” link in the Domains navigation on the left hand side
  3. click on the “Manage” button in the row of the specific domain name
  4. click on the “DNS Management” link from the “MANAGE” menu on the right-hand side
  5. on the following screen you will see the current DNS records

Please remember that the host name “@” corresponds to the domain name itself (it is an alias in this sense, e.g. for the domain name, “@” corresponds to “”) And that will be redirected as (so it is not necessary, nor can you redirect e.g. and to two different URLs using our systems). Example:

Host NameRecord TypeAddressPriority
@URL Redirect
www2URL Frame

Changes are synchronized every two minutes, so after a maximum of 4 minutes any changes should be visible. If changes are made to an existing redirect or to an existing records, changes might take longer to be visible due to caching.[/vc_wp_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]