Help! Since you changed your home page I am unable to login, how do I do it?
Update of 1 Jan, 2016:
As announced we have migrated the control panel to a new version. To log in, it is now necessary to use the main e-mail address as username. To be able to access you must reset the password for security reasons by clicking on the following link:
Simply enter the e-mail address of reference and then follow the instructions on the screen.
Old version (before 2016):
We have put a new version of the site online with a unified panel and advise customers to create a new account directly on the site or contact us.
To connect to the web hosting management panel, use one of the following links:
for usernames in the “web123” format
for usernames in the “webj123” format
for usernames in “webt123” format
for Windows Hosting
for cPanel Hosting
As for the webmail you can use the following link:
We will continue to update the site in the coming days and apologize for any inconvenience.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]