When all or specific resources of a Service (according to the Webhosting24 Terms and Conditions) are marked, tagged, or described as being subject to fair share or by any other mean have a fair share provision, this Fair Share Policy (“FSP” thereafter) document, including the following list of thresholds, is an integral part of your Hosting and Service Agreement with INCUBATEC Srl d/b/a Webhosting24 (“Webhosting24” thereafter).
cPanel and Plesk Hosting CPU Fair Share
- For Web24 and Web24-Windows packages up to one vCPU may be used above the 25% threshold for up to one hour a day (burstable up to 100%) and thereafter will be limited to 10% vCPU usage for the remaining day.
- For Power24 and Power24-Windows packages up to one vCPU may be used above the 25% threshold for up to two hours a day (burstable up to 100%) and thereafter will be limited to 12,5% vCPU usage for the remaining day.
- For Pro24 and Pro24-Windows packages up to two vCPUs may be used above the 25% threshold for up to four hours a day (burstable up to 100% per vCPU) and thereafter will be limited to 25% vCPU for the remaining day.
Virtual Private Server (VPS) CPU Fair Share
- For Special & Promotion packages up to one vCPU may be used above the 12,5% threshold for up to 20 minutes in a row (burstable up to 100%) and with total average vCPU usage not going over 25% on a daily base and will be limited to 12,5% thereafter.
- For normal VPS packages the included shared vCPUs may be used above the 25% threshold for up to 30 minutes each in a row (burstable up to 100%) and with total average vCPU usage across all vCPUs not going over 25% on a daily base and will be limited to 25% thereafter.
- VPS packages with Dedicated vCPUs or Dedicated Cores are not subject to this Fair Share Policy for the CPU ressource.
VPS Other Resources Fair Share
If certain VPS usage causes a high number of interrupts (both hard and soft IRQs), a high number of incoming or outgoing packets per second, spikes in traffic and/or IOPS so that other customers or equipment is negatively affected, Webhosting24 reserves the right to notify the Customer about this usage, limit or suspend the VPS.
Webhosting24 reserves the right to modify this Policy and the ratios/thresholds as the hardware landscape evolves.
This Policy was updated on the 6th of September, 2021.